
Let's Play Minecraft 1.14 Survival: Episode 18 - Fix all the farms!

In this episode I build a chicken farm (adapted for 1.13+, 1.14+], I build a villager breeder plus a villager filter device so that I can fix all of my old crop farms. I finally update the farms for the new design by Ray's Works and Miras and work on the foundations for the crop farms building!

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Minecraft 1.14 Tutorial - Villager Crop Farm!

In this Minecraft tutorial, I guide you through a block by block tutorial of the Villager Crop Farm for 1.14.4+ developed by ProtoTech member Miras. This farm works for Carrots, Potatoes, Bread (with Wheat) and Beetroot and it's based in a similar design by LogicalGeekBoy.

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Minecraft 1.14 Tutorial: Villager Filter and Dispatcher!

In this Minecraft tutorial, I teach you how to take Ray's Villager Breeder and apply a very simple Villager Filter system so that you can have a row of waiting villagers for you to dispatch on demand. Really simple system based on Frilioth's Villager filter.

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Minecraft 1.14 Tutorial: Ray's Villager Breeder!

In this Minecraft tutorial, I'm giving you a full block by block guide on Ray's Villager Breeder for Minecraft 1.14.4 JAVA edition (after several tweaks to the villager path finding algorithm over previous 1.14 versions).

This is the best and most efficient way to breed villagers for the foreseeable future and I was lucky enough to have been asked to do a block by block tutorial on how to build these in survival!

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Minecraft 1.14 Tutorial: Unlimited Bone Meal with 0-tick Sugar Cane Farms!

In this Minecraft tutorial, I teach you a relatively easy way you have now in 1.14 (Minecraft 1.14.2+ JAVA Edition) to create a virtually unlimited Bone Meal Farm for your convenience using a bunch of 0-tick Sugar Cane farms connected to a couple of Composters!

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