
Matias Jose was born in La Plata, Argentina in 1982. His family moved to Mar del Plata in 1984 and lived there until 1997 when he moved to Buenos Aires with his mother. Singing his first song when he was only eight months old, he was nevertheless not directly involved with music until the age of 8, thus he spent his childhood experimenting with different arts apart from music, such as painting, carbon drawing, writing and sculpting. Music and computer programming were indeed hidden all-time hobbies while other arts appeared and vanished within periods of a few years. He started to experiment with music writing at the age of 8, time in which he had his first public appearance as rock-pop singer in Mar del Plata. Much later he met classical music and started piano lessons when he was 14. He soon started to write several piano compositions.

He moved to Buenos Aires and studied with Enrique López who made him enter in the Conservatorio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires in 2000 and later (2002) in the Conservatorio Nacional “Carlos López Buchardo”. He studied piano with Alicia Pez, Laly Escobar, Antonio DeRaco and Daniel Goldstein among others. In 2004 he played a piano concerto in the Teatro Colón of Mar del Plata in which he played his own works as well as Beethoven, Rachmaninoff and Chopin's, after which he moved to New York in the search for better sources of self improvement and opportunities where he started his career in the tech industry. He later moved back to Buenos Aires in 2005.

He is an autodidact in which regards to composition. His musical form is mainly self-implemented and his compositional structures try to escape from the conventional, unlike his harmony, which is very conservative.

He has written several works for Piano, plus a small collection for chamber music, voices and chorus (all with piano).

He also has become an expert in Javascript programming and other Web techniques and has become part of the regular staff of programmers at from 2009 until 2019.

In 2017 he got married to Griselda Gómez, a social worker, photographer and entrepreneur.

In 2019 he joined the writer's staff at SymfonyCasts where he works at generating e-learning material in various web technologies.

In gaming, he has a YouTube Channel where he posts Technical Minecraft videos as well as Let's Plays.

In 2020, he and his wife moved to Madrid, Spain and since 2023 he is back at through the company Chessable Spain.