Curriculum Vitae
JsFusion (JavaScript Framework)
JsFusion is a JavaScript Framework designed to fix some of the issues that StimulusJS had when integrating with Turbo in the context of a complex functionality case.
Go to JsFusion Page.
Since March 2020 I entered SymfonyCasts as a Course Writer and co-wrote the VueJS 2 part course with Ryan Weaver. The course is a 10 hour long set of videos together with multiple-choice challenges that walk the user through every basic aspect of VueJS.
Later, I started developing as a Senior FrontEnd programmer, focusing in migrating the site's frontend code into Stimulus/Turbo, leveraging the Symfony-UX bundle.
Go to SymfonyCasts.
Since 2009 until 2016 I've been working in developing the Live Chess Client in versions V3 and V4. Utilizing AngularJS, VueJS and the most advanced cutting edge web technologies such as Cometd interaction to achieve a Desktop like experience with dynamic challenge graphics, friendly chatting, games and live tournaments among other things.
Since 2016 I'm specifically devoted in the new version of chess boards, using Javascript ES6 and VueJS components.
Go to Live Chess.
ReactLib (JavaScript Components Library)
React Lib is a simple, modular set of UI components (such as sortable Grids, Image galleries, Trees) created to be able to use it in any web application (framework agnostic). The modules can be used in the context of a React App, or they can be instantiated like classes within plain Javascript or TypeScript files and rendered into DOM containers. They support loading of data through asynchronous operations, and event handlers.
Go to React Lib Page.
Scriptor (JavaScript Framework)
At the dawn of Web 2.0 a lot of programmers used some popular tools such as Scriptaculous, Prototype or jQuery to develop their websites. While such libraries evolved (or died away) and can be very useful for the average programmer, they often are very large, overly complex and not flexible enough for top programming, making the big software companies to often build a framework on their own.
Using the best of prototype and dojo, but keeping it simple, I've built Scriptor, the tiny javascript framework, in less than 10.000 lines of code providing simple javascript tools such as user defined event system, cookies handling, Http Requests and a component based UI system for complex and fast interface designing.
Go to scriptor Page.