Curriculum Vitae
Web Technologies
I am a web programmer since 1998; I am expert in Web Technologies such as HTML, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, jQuery, ReactJS, AngularJS, VueJS, StimulusJS, Turbo, PHP, Symfony and MySQL. My field of action goes from dynamic auto-editable websites such as e-commerce platforms and personal websites with dynamically editable pages to complex Web applications and real time web based games such as chess, intranets, online statistic systems and voIP integration systems.
Client Side: I manage the Web standards of HTML5 and CSS 3 following the W3C recommendation. I have studied Javascript in retail, based on the Mozilla Foundation (MDN) and The Javascript Dictionary sources; I have knowledge in high performance DOM manipulation, dynamic CSS, Ajax (native), XML and JSON interpretation. I have created the Scriptor Javascript framework as well as studied and worked with other frameworks such as jQuery, ReactJS, AngularJS, Bootstrap, VueJS, StimulusJS, Turbo and others. I have programmed in compatibility with all major browsers and keep up to date with current updates on Edge, Firefox and Chrome and its Mobile versions
Server Side: I have knowledge of PHP obtained from the sources and from editorials such as O'Reilly, Sams Teach yourself and Symfony Casts, where I have 30+ finished courses and have become a course writer as well. I worked in pure PHP, writing simple frameworks during my initial stages and moved to become an expert in Symfony, following best Object Oriented practices, TDD and SOLID. I can code in procedural or object oriented way, since I have a structured base knowledge in programming languages such as ASSEMBLER, C, C++ and BASIC.
Regarding tooling and deploying, I have worked with nodejs integrating technologies such as TypeScript, Babel, es6+ standards, webpack, grunt, gulp and virtualization technologies such as VMWare, VirtualBox, Vagrant and Docker Also, I have knowledge on installing, configuring and maintaining Apache 1.3 and Apache 2.x servers on Linux.
I manage SQL based relational databases and I specialize on MySQL. Although I have experience with other engines such as Access, MsSQL and PostgreSQL, I prefer to use MySQL. I have knowledge in database design, normalization and data structure architecture, obtained from my years of experience in system development and complex e-commerces and CRMs.
I have also knowledge on Asterisk servers. I have installed and developed applications based on AGI and know the basis of voice over IP (voIP).
Operating Systems
I have operated and investigated about the basics of architecture in a more or less detailed way regarding operating systems such as MS-DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista/7, Windows 8/10/11, Linux Fedora, Linux CentOS and Linux Ubuntu.
In addition to my knowledge about Internet Technologies, I have used Desktop programming languages learned from sources such as Norton, Kernighan, Borland and Microsoft. Although I have not performed any professional work based on them, I can develop in Assembler, Visual BASIC, C, C++, Python, Visual Basic .NET, C# .NET and C++ .NET.
I have also studied Game Development strategies based on Udemy courses and have knowledge of the Allegro framework and Unreal Engine 4 based on C++.