Minecraft 1.13 Tutorial: Flying Machines for Farms
In this Minecraft tutorial, I teach you all about a very simple compact and efficient flying machine that you can use on your sugar cane, kelp (in 1.13) or bamboo farms (1.14) in your survival worlds pretty easily!
Based on observers and slime blocks, this flying machine is really effective for collecting items on such farms, they can be manually or automatically activated by a pulse on a hopper clock or other kinds of clocks.
Let's Play Minecraft 1.13 Survival: Episode 13 - It's finished!
Finally, my super silo storage building is finished with 2 beautiful domes! This marks the first serious build in my series and sets the tone for the build style of the area around my base! Hope you enjoy it!
Minecraft 1.13 Tutorial: Super Smelter and XP Farm Improved!
In this tutorial I teach you how to build a Minecraft Super Smelter and XP Farm at the same time! This is the improved version of it (fixed quirks and tweaks) with up to 21 furnaces!
Let's Play Minecraft 1.13 Survival: Episode 12 - Build Progress!
After some delay due to personal issues, Episode 12 of finally done! I'm making some real progress in this build-mode ON episode in my mushroom island!
Let's Play Minecraft 1.13 Survival: Episode 11 - Super Silo Storage Building!
In this episode, I start building the castle facade around the super silo storage system built in the last episode.